"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." ~Prov. 31:11
What is one of the main qualities a man looks for in a woman? The answer may surprise you. At first a man might be attracted to a woman's appearance or personality. However, when thinking about making a life-long commitment, men want a woman they can TRUST.
Let's take a look at the story of Mary. She was chosen by God to give birth to "His only begotten Son" ~ John 3:16. When you read about Mary, the bible does not say anything about her appearance, her attractiveness or even her personality. The only thing we know about her is that she was "highly favored and blessed among women" ~Luke 1:28
When Mary gave birth to Jesus she took her newborn child and was able to hide him for two years. God knew that He could trust Mary to keep this secret to herself and she did.
Can you be trusted to keep a secret?
If a woman cannot be trusted by her own husband there can be no relationship. Marriage is made to be a partnership and both the husband and wife must show compassion and consideration for one another. They can learn about each others interests, try to work together as a team and provide encouragement to one another instead of putting each other down, fussing or constantly arguing.
"It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman." ~Proverbs 21:19
A man with a virtuous wife is confident. He knows that he can always trust her. When a wife shows respect and does not demean her husband he will be eager to listen to her opinion and trust her with his deepest secrets.
A virtuous woman is an asset to her husband.
She uses all of her creative talents and any abilities God has blessed her with. She always wants the best for him and "brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life" ~Prov. 31:12
God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."~ Gen 2:18
God created Eve to be Adam's companion, to be his helper, to provide support and to be his encourager.
"A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband." Proverbs 12:4
I read your blog on Latina, it's good to see blogs to inspire latina women. keep up your good work and may God bless you.
Thank You Evelyn; I just had my blog published on Latina Magazine's web site as of 2 weeks ago. I'm so glad to know that my blog is being read on that site. My desire is to inspire everyone to behave the way God has called us to behave. My first series was on the "9 Fruit of the Spirit". I hope you read it. I just started this series on the "Proverbs 31 Woman" last week. Check back every week for a new blog. May the Lord bless you too.
I love being my husband's cheerleader. It's so awesome when you do something God wants you to and end up being the one who is blessed. When I encourage Octavio, when he knows his wife's got his back, he does a better job. It doesn't always make him successful but it doesn't hurt to fail when your standing beside them. And at times it helps my perspective to change if its not in line with his (if I'm being obstinant, or unagreeable, which isnt very often mind you;)lol. I love that God's plan ALWAYS benefits everyone. They enemy wants you to think about yourself only, but when you step out of your "me" box you end up with uncountable blessings, especially when it involves your hubby. Thanks Paty
This is exactly what I needed to read today. My husband is away a lot and when he comes home we argue over the dumbest things, we just argued last night and he leaves again in a few days. I will try to remember what your blog says about better to live in the wilderness than with an angry wife. I think he is starting to feel that way about me. keep me in your prayers.
Christine; That is so true. We need to support our husbands in their endeavors. My husband is an entrepreneur and always trying out new business opportunities, I may not be always be too thrilled about it but, I'm there encouraging him every step of the way. He knows we're a team in everything we do.
Dear anonymous friend; I will keep you in my prayers, God knows who you are, He knows your heart and what you're going through. I will pray that He will give you patience and self control. In my blog it says: "It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman." (These are not my words, they are directly from the word of God) ~Proverbs 21:19. As you can see in all of my blogs, I back up everything I say with scripture, because I want to influence others with God's word not mine. If you have time, read my series on the "Fruit of the Spirit", it may help you understand why God wants us to have more self control and to love others unconditionally. May God Bless you and thanks for reading.
I love you Paty. You are a blessing to me and many others reading your blogs. God is Good & He is using you mightly for His Kingdom. I love my husband & he knows that he can trust me with his life. We have that mutual love, respect & confidance with one another. Love my babe! Love you too Sis. Muaahhh!!
Thank you Sister for this beautiful blog. I love you friend. God is truly using you for His kingdom. I love my husband so much. He knows that he can trust me with His life. We have that mutual love, respect & confidence with one another and I thank Jesus for that. We love to serve & honor God with our deepest secrets. Thank you again! Love you!
Thank You Liz..you bless me everyday with the scriptures and postings on FB. They help get me through the day while I'm out in the field. Thanks for being such an awesome sister in the Lord. I Love You Bunches!!! XOXOXO ♥♥♥
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